Friday, November 22, 2013

File Descriptor

In Unix like system File descriptor is abstract indicator for accessing file and are represented in integer value.  FD is a computer program term and highly used while programming in Unix like system using language like C, This is similar to file handle in windows like system.

By default operating system 3 file descriptor namely from 0-2. Where 0 represent standard input (stdin), 1 for standard output (stdout) and 2 for standard errors (stderr).

Operating system keeps index entry of opened files somewhere in Kernal’s address space which can be generally referred as file descriptor table. When a user process use open() or socket() (system calls to interface to the kernel) you are returned a file descriptor, which is an integer (These entries are represented by integers like ...100, 101, 102....)  And are maintains its file descriptor table in its address space. When a process want to access the file it passes the file descriptor to kernel with system call which in turns reads the file on behalf and returns the handle or result.

bit and bytes

byte (represented by the upper-case letter B), is a contiguous sequence of a fixed number of bits that is used as a unit of memorystorage and instructions execution incomputers.
A bit (represented by a lower case b) is the most basic unit of information in computing and communications. Every bit has a value of either zero or one. Although computers usually provide ways to test and manipulate single bits, they are almost always designed to store data and execute instructions in terms of bytes.
The number of bits in a byte varied according to the model of computer and its operating system in the early days of computing. For example, the PDP-7, for which the first version of UNIX was written, had 18-bit bytes. Today, however, a byte virtually always consists of eight bits.
Whereas a bit can have only one of two values, an eight-bit byte (also referred to as an octet) can have any of 256 possible values, because there are 256 possible permutations (i.e., combinations of zero and one) for eight successive bits (i.e., 28). Thus, an eight-bit byte can represent any unsigned integer from zero through 255 or any signed integer from -128 to 127. It can also represent any character (i.e., letter, number, punctuation mark or symbol) in a seven-bit or eight-bit character encoding system, such as ASCII (the default character coding used on most computers).
Multiple bytes are used to represent larger numbers and to represent characters from larger character sets. For example, two bytes (i.e., 16-bits) can store any one of 65,536 (i.e., 216) possible values, that is, the unsigned integers between 0 and 65,535 or signed numbers from -32,768 to 32,767. Likewise, the range of integer values that can be stored in 32 bits is 0 through 4,294,967,295, or -2,147,483,648 through 2,147,483,647.
A maximum of 32 bits is required to represent a character encoded in Unicode, which is an attempt to provide a unique encoding (i.e., identification number) for every character currently or historically used by the world's languages. However, the majority of the world's languages only need a single-byte character encoding because they use alphabetic scripts, which generally have fewer than 256 characters.
The word byte can also refer to a datatype (i.e., category of data) in certain programming languages and database systems. The C programming language, for example, defines byte to be synonymous with the unsigned char datatype, which is an integer datatype capable of holding at least 256 different values.

Kilobytes, Megabytes, Gigabytes, Terabytes, Petabytes
Because bytes represent a very small amount of data, for convenience they are commonly referred to in multiples, particularly kilobytes (represented by the upper-case letters KB or just K), megabytes (represented by the upper-case letters MB or just M) and gigabytes (represented by the upper-case letters GB or just G).
A kilobyte is 1,024 bytes, although it is often used loosely as a synonym for 1,000 bytes. A megabyte is 1,048,576 bytes, but it is frequently used as a synonym for one million bytes. For example, a computer that has a 256MB main memory can store approximately 256 million bytes (or characters) in memory at one time. A gigabyte is equal to 1,024 megabytes.
One terabyte (TB) is equal to 1024 gigabytes or roughly one trillion bytes. Onepetabyte is equal to a 1024 terabytes or about a million gigabytes. Some supercomputers now have a petabyte hard disk drive (HDD) capacity and a multipetabyte tape storage capacity. The prefix peta is an alteration of penta, the Greek word for five.
An exabyte is 1024 times larger than a petabyte. The prefix exa is an alteration ofhexa, the Greek word for six. As of 2005, exabytes of data are rarely encountered in a practical context. For example the total amount of printed material in the world is estimated to be around a fifth of an exabyte. However, the total amount of digital data that is now created, captured and replicated worldwide might be several hundred exabytes per year.

The term byte was coined by Werner Buchholz, a researcher at IBM, in 1956 during the early design phase for the IBM Stretch, the company's first supercomputer. It was a modification of the word bite that was intended to avoid accidentally misspelling it as bit. In 1962 Buchholz described a byte as "a group of bits used to encode a character, or the number of bits transmitted in parallel to and from input-output units."
Byte is also sometimes considered a contraction of BinarY digiT Eight. IBM used to teach that a Binary Yoked Transfer Element (BYTE) was formed by a series of bits joined together "like so many yoked oxen." Binary refers to the fact that computers perform all their computations with the base 2 numbering system (i.e., only zeros and ones), in contrast to the decimal system (i.e., base 10), which is commonly used by humans.
The movement toward an eight-bit byte began in late 1956. A major reason that eight was considered the optimal number was that seven bits can define 128 characters (as against only 64 characters for six bits), which is sufficient for the approximately 100 unique codes needed for the upper and lower case letters of the English alphabet as well as punctuation marks and special characters, and the eighth bit could be used as a parity check (i.e., to confirm the accuracy of the other bits).
This size was later adopted by IBM's highly popular System/360 series of mainframe computers, which was announced in April 1964, and this was a key factor in its eventually becoming the industry-wide standard.
If computers were used for nothing other than binary calculations, as some once were, there would be no need for bytes. However, because they are extensively used to manipulate character-based information, it is necessary to have encodings for those symbols, and thus bytes are necessary.


          Latency is the amount of time a message or data packets takes to traverse a system. You must have heard of Network Latency, so in computer networking it is an expression of how much time it takes for a data packet to get from one source system to destination another. It is more accurately measured as the time required for a packet to be returned to its sender over a interconnected network.
So if latency is low then network performance is good and on the other hand if latency is high then there supposed to be some problem with communication medium. In fact Latency depends on the speed of the transmission medium (e.g., copper wire, optical fiber or radio waves) and the delays in the transmission by devices along the way (e.g., routers and modems).

        Latency and throughput are the two very important terms to confuse about in data communication over the network. In fact both are fundamental measures of network performance with slightly different context. The latency measures the amount of time between the start of an action and its completion; throughput is the total number of such actions that occur in a given amount of time. Latency is measured in time (e. g. seconds,milliseconds) whereas throughput is measured in volume of data per unit time (e.g. gb/hr).